About Me:


My name is Morgan. I am a born and raised Oregonian, a wife, mom, local history and geology enthusiast, and I have been a healer for over fourteen years.

For many of us with chronic illness, the standard for wellness is especially subjective. Sometimes, an accomplished day is simply existing. At The Unwellness Expert, that is okay! Just being you is enough. It is my mission to hold a safe and unconditional space for every single person that I come into contact with. All humans are welcome, exactly as they are.

In my personal life, I live with ADHD, ASD, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, and pre Multiple Sclerosis. I am also a recovered long term bulimic. I am what doctors describe as a "big bite to chew."

In a world made for neurotypicals, I have suffered lifelong depression and anxiety from the struggles of existing in a world, not made for me. My Ehlers Danlos has caused me to experience dozens of surgeries, health problems, and pain; not usual for my age. This has also contributed to my battle with depression and past struggles with suicidal ideation. It was with a lot of trial and error and an exhaustive effort that I have found healing and self love these past few years of training and pesonal experience. If there is one thing I have become really successful at, its living while "chronically unwell."

I am passionate about helping others work towards their own goals at their own pace, and within their own context of Self.

If my story resonates, I would love to meet you!

The Space

Located in Historic Downtown Gresham, the office is blessed to be part of The Ageless Health Wellness Center.
Here, we have crafted a warm and sensory friendly atmosphere, ready to offer you a safe space to relax, and be you. 

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