NeurOptimal Neurofeedback

NeurOptimal Neurofeedback saved my life back in 2018. After two years of extreme suicidal ideation, disassociation, and disembodied voices, this machine calmed my nervous system and brought me out of the dark.
It is not an old science but it has been around for decades, though suppressed by big pharma since the 80's (so you know its good!)

I offer NeurOptimal at up to an 80% discount, because I believe in its ability to heal, so deeply. If I ever became independently wealthy, I would dedicate my life to providing it free of cost to whoever I could reach.
I do offer pro-bono sessions if cost is an issue. Most times there is a waitlist and I do prioritize youth and high needs. Never let cost get in the way of seeking this treatment. I will do whatever I can to work with you! payment plans also available.

Scroll down for the detailed information on this lifechanging service!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback (NFB), also called neurotherapy, is a type of biofeedback that presents real-time feedback from brain activity in order to reinforce healthy brain function through operant conditioning. Typically, electrical activity from the brain is collected via sensors placed on the scalp using electroencephalography (EEG), with feedback presented using video displays or sound. There is significant evidence supporting neurotherapy for generalized treatment of mental disorders, and it has been practiced over four decades, although never gaining prominence in the medical mainstream. NFB is relatively non-invasive and is administered as a long-term treatment option, typically taking a month to complete. (Taken from Wiki)

There are several kinds of Neurofeedback, why NeurOptimal?

There are two types of Neurofeedback. Linear and Non-linear. Linear works with the brain waves and adjusts your waves to match that of a "healthy person". The problem with this is the base brain they use as a healthy model does not match everyone. Linear either works miracles or it does not have the desired outcome (my experience as a neurodivergent person). That is why I offer Non-Linear Neurofeedback called NeurOptimal by Zengar. This NFB works directly with you Central Nervous System and neuroprocessors in the brain. By observing the pathways in our brain while listening to music, the NFB machine recognizes deviation in trauma patterns and alerts the brain to the problem. Our brains have an amazing self-healing and self-correcting mechanism. It just needs to be told it is not doing something correctly, and it will correct itself. It's extra awesome because once the brain learns something, it cannot forget it. The changes are permanent. Though as we continue life and experience new traumas and barriers, an occasional treatment every few months (after initial program) is all that is needed to get back on track.

Will it help me? Is there anyone it wont help?

Yes! Non-linear Neurofeedback is for everyone. It works with your brain and meets you where you are in that moment. It is a treatment that doesn't change or affect your core self, but simply acts like a defragging of your biological computer, revealing the truest form of Self. Currently the only population that NeurOptimal may not benefit is the Deaf Community. There has been some research to say that it can still have benefits without hearing but there has not been conclusive studies done. We hope in the future to have a visual option one day that is not connected to hearing.

What does NeurOptimal treat?

NeurOptimal is like closing the background apps of our mind in order for our machine to work more efficiently or optimally (see what they did there?). 
While it does not directly treat specific diagnoses, the improvement in brain function has shown to help those living with:
Depression, ADHD, AuDHD, Autism, Anxiety, PTSD, Reactive attachment disorder, sensory processing disorders, and autoimmune disorders (and more!)

Do you take insurance?

Unfortunately not at this time. Since you cannot measure trauma in the brain (yet), Non-linear NFB does not have enough solid numbers to get the money focused Insurance companies to pay for the benefit. Some Linear neurofeedback is covered by insurance since you can measure brain waves. I keep my price as low as I can to make this life saving treatment available to everyone. The back to back sessions for $65 breaks each session down to just over $30. This is close to what most copays for insurance would be anyways.

What is a session like?

Treatments are done on a massage table, propped up, with blankets and warmth. The atmosphere is a beautiful spa like setting so that you can be your most relaxed and comfortable self. Wear comfy clothes and be aware the sensors are attached with a conductive paste that can sometimes stick in the hair. I recommend you wait to wash your hair until after your treatment. I do my best though to leave you as sensor-goo free as possible! Each round goes for 33 minutes. Be prepared to be there for about 90 from beginning to end. I'm a talker. During the treatment, you will listen to some pretty basic (though lovely) spa music. During the music, you will hear skips like you are shaking an old CD player. That is the feedback happening.

How long until I see results?

I check in after 10 sessions to see if there are observable changes. Practitioners have noticed that the first people to see changes is typically family members. They notice a sense of ease in their loved one, more emotional regulation, and motivation. The first thing I observed in my own NFB treatment is that my road rage decreased and I was a much safer and nicer driver. In more extreme cases, like my own (check out My Story) there is major change in mental symptoms within a session or two. Every brain is different. 

Are there any side effects or downsides?

Some report feeling sleepy or extra awake. Your subconscious is processing a lot so it does take mental energy! 
The biggest downside is the commitment. Twenty to thirty sessions are recommended for full benefit. I have had clients do less with success; but the only ones who have reported only minimal changes have not completed the whole course. Some brains take longer than others. This takes patience but it will improve your brains ability to function. 

Where can I find more information? 

You can go to for more information on the machine.
I recommend saying you are international or Canadian when prompted, as the FDA does not allow research to be presented (Big Pharm suppression in action!).